Vi informerar om hela pensionen | Pensionsmyndigheten
Ansök om allmän pension, planera inför pensionen och olika tillägg du kan ha rätt till. För pensionärer Information om när din pension betalas ut, hur du beställer pensionärsintyg och …
The Swedish pension system - Pensionsmyndigheten
The Swedish pension system consists of three parts: a national public pension from the state, an occupational pension from your employer and any savings or assets that you may have. The …
4. How the National Pension System Works - Pensionsmyndigheten
The pension base consists of pension-qualifying income and pension-qualifying amounts. In addition to earnings, benefits from the social insurance and unemployment insurance systems …
National public pension - Pensionsmyndigheten
The national public pension is the state pension, and is administered by the Swedish Pensions Agency. It consists of several different parts , such as income pension, income pension …
Plan your pension - Pensionsmyndigheten
The tool gives you an overview of your entire pension and you will find out what your pension will be per month after tax. The withdrawal planner is primarily intended for those who are …
Logga in på Mina sidor - se din pension på ett enkelt sätt ...
På Mina sidor kan du enkelt få koll på din pension och se vad du tjänat in under livet, vad du får i pension som pensionär, ansöka om pension, ändra uppgifter samt se vad som händer i ditt …
Three Scenarios for the Future of the National Pension System
Pension level is the national pension at the recommended retirement age in relation to average salary during the final five years of pension earning. Note that the recommended retirement …
Applying for a pension - Pensionsmyndigheten
Apply for a national public pension when you live in another country. If you have worked and paid taxes in Sweden, you have earned a Swedish pension. You are entitled to an income pension, …
Förstå din pension - Pensionsmyndigheten
Nyfiken på vad som påverkar din pension och hur mycket din framtida pension kan bli? Vad är egentligen pension? Allmän pension, tjänstepension och eget sparande?
Guarantee pension – if you have had a low income
You may be entitled to a guarantee pension if you have reached the age of 66 and have a low or no income-based pension. From 2026 the age limit will gradually increase in line with …