District Search | SameGoal
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Special Education - SameGoal
SameGoal streamlines your special education workflow with real-time collaborative editing, electronic signatures and built-in chat. Work together as a collaborative team anytime, anywhere, including parent meetings.
Login - SameGoal
Your login page will be located at a URL of the format https://samegoal.com/iep/a/[domain], where domain is typically your district's email domain. We recommend each district provides a link to the district-specific login page for their users, so they need not search each time they login.
IEPWriter.com - IEP & Special Education Management Software
IEPWriter™ allows LEAs to securely write IEPs, evaluation reports, behavioral improvement plans, letters, and more. Each step of the IEP process is covered in one, web-based solution. Built for our clients - based on collaboration and feedback with clients.
IEP Management | Frontline Education
These tools are just one part of Frontline Special Education Management, a holistic solution to help you manage everything from IEPs, state reporting and Medicaid claims to 504 Plans, RTI/MTSS programs and supporting your ELL and Gifted & Talented learners.
Frontline - Sign In - IEP Direct
User ID. Your District ID is no longer needed when you Sign In. Your username is required. User ID. Your District ID is no longer needed when you Sign In.
IEP Anywhere – The Hamilton Clermont Cooperative - hccitc.org
IEP Anywhere Login; Progress Book Suite Login; ODDEX Login; Ohio PowerSchool Users Community; Request Access Forms + EMIS-R Access Form; Student Access Form; Request Support; SAFE Account Login; Subscribe to Emails; Support Staff – Student Services; 2024-2025 District Student Software Survey
MVECA - IEP Anywhere To access the IEP Anywhere Login screen for your district: 1-Go to: www.mveca.org 2-Hover over STUDENT 3-Select ‘IEP Anywhere Logins’ from the drop-down menu 4- Select your district by clicking on the District …
Student Services - mveca.org
SameGoal IEP Anywhere is a Special Education Program that assists educators in documenting K-12 programs that include Special Education, Section 504, Gifted Education and Third Grade Reading Policies. This program integrates with the ProgressBook Suite StudentInformation Application utilizing VendorLink (3rd Party Integration).
SameGoal Login Links | SameGoal
IEP Anywhere, at the time, was a software program dedicated exclusively to document management for IEPs, with 18 districts onboard. Over 14 years and 850+ new districts/LEAs later, SameGoal now offers a robust platform for Special Programs, including Special Education, Section 504, Advanced Learners, English Learners, RTI/MTSS and K-4 Literacy.