Home – European Institutions Office
We advocate for human rights in the EU and beyond. The European Institutions Office (EIO) engages decision makers in the European Union and at the Council of Europe for positive human rights change. Amnesty International is the world’s largest human rights movement. We are Amnesty’s office in Brussels.
About our office – European Institutions Office
Amnesty International’s European Institutions Office (EIO) in Brussels coordinates and promotes our advocacy and campaigning directed at decision-makers in the European Union (EU) and Council of Europe (CoE).
Amnesty International
Since 1961, we’ve been helping people claim their rights across the world. From the death penalty to free speech, we protect people’s human rights. Write a letter, volunteer, donate… and speak out against injustice worldwide.
Bureau exécutif international - Amnesty International France
Le Bureau exécutif international (BEI) est l’instance qui dirige le mouvement à l’échelle internationale. Élu par l’ Assemblée mondiale (AM), il se réunit au moins deux fois par an.
Myanmar: Recklessly Abrupt U.S. Aid Stoppage Poses Existential …
7 hours ago · From February 3-10, Amnesty International spoke to 12 Myanmar refugees living in camps along the border in Thailand, along with representatives from 14 organizations with Myanmar-focused activities. ... Just over 60% of the Consortium’s funding is from the U.S. through the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM) at the State ...
Myanmar: Recklessly abrupt US aid stoppage ... - Amnesty International
21 hours ago · From 3-10 February, Amnesty International spoke to 12 Myanmar refugees living in camps along the border in Thailand, along with representatives from 14 organizations with Myanmar-focused activities. ... Just over 60% of the Consortium’s funding is from the US through the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM) at the US State ...
Myanmar: Recklessly abrupt US aid stoppage poses threat to …
21 hours ago · From 3-10 February, Amnesty International spoke to 12 Myanmar refugees living in camps along the border in Thailand, along with representatives from 14 organizations with Myanmar-focused activities. ... Just over 60% of the Consortium’s funding is from the US through the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM) at the US State ...
23 disparitions, les recherches au point mort - Amnesty International ...
21 hours ago · Je demande au bureau du procureur d’entreprendre sans délai des recherches approfondies pour retrouver les disparus et d’enquêter sur ces agissements en tant que possibles cas de disparitions forcées, en vertu de l’article 84 du Code pénal équatorien et conformément au droit international et aux normes afférentes.
Contact us - European Institutions Office
Amnesty International European Institutions Office Avenue de Cortenbergh/ Kortenberglaan 71 1000 Brussels, Belgium Tel: 32-2-5021499 For press/media queries please contact: +32 (0)483 68 08 12 On Twitter: @AmnestyEU
Amnesty International In Your Country - European Institutions Office
Amnesty International is a global independent and impartial organization that pursues the fulfillment of all human rights through research and action. Our activists are driven by outrage over serious human rights violations and hope for a world in which all human reality for all people.