UFO EVIDENCE - Scientific Study of the UFO Phenomenon
UFO Evidence presents in-depth and quality research, resources, news and information on the UFO phenomenon. It is one of the largest internet sites on the UFO subject. Sections include selected UFO cases, UFO photos, UFO sightings, and articles and topics related to the UFO / ET / Alien phenomenon.
UFOs with Light Beams - UFO EVIDENCE
Jun 2, 1998 · Disk-shaped UFO seen by group of teenagers in Messel, Germany March, 13, 1982 - Messel, Germany. Several 15-17 year olds were at a discotheque in the town of Messel, when they saw outside a steel blue luminous disk with a dome on top which appeared over the woods about 600 meters from where they where standing.
Physical Evidence - UFO Evidence
Sep 7, 1987 · Sturrock Report - Physical Evidence Related to UFO Reports Peter A. Sturrock, Stanford University, in Journal for Scientific Exploration. The purpose of this four-day workshop was to review purported physical evidence associated with UFO reports, with a view to assessing whether the further acquisition and investigation of such evidence is likely to help solve the UFO problem, namely the ...
Scientific Study of the UFO Phenomenon - UFO EVIDENCE
UFO Evidence presents in-depth and quality research, resources, news and information on the UFO phenomenon. It is one of the largest internet sites on the UFO subject. Sections include selected UFO cases, UFO photos, UFO sightings, and articles and topics related to the UFO / ET / Alien phenomenon.
The 1967 Shag Harbour Incident - UFO EVIDENCE
Summary: The most important Canadian UFO incident on record, The Shag Harbour Incident occurred late on the night of October 4 1967. This stretch of the coastline is not without its folklore and mysteries regarding pirates, giant sea serpents and ghost ships but far from being merely folklore, the UFO incident had many eyewitnesses and much media coverage.
Socorro / Zamora UFO Incident - Socorro, New Mexico ... - UFO …
The experience of Lonnie Zamora on April 24, 1964 stands as one of the most profound ufo events in the modern history of the phenomena. Lonnie Zamora saw a highly unusual device of unknown origin, what can only be described as a "craft" of some kind, and he reported seeing what he believes were occupants.
CE-5 and Human-Initiated Contact - UFO EVIDENCE
CE-5 and Human-Initiated Contact. CE-5 (Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind) is a term describing a fifth category of close encounters with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ETI), characterized by mutual, bilateral communication rather than unilateral contact.
A Revival of the 61-Month Wave Theory Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. The Knowles family CE-II encounter with an ovoid-shaped UFO on the Nullarbor Plateau in Western Australia January 20th was right on target in terms of time and place, according to the 61-month wave cycle first proposed by Dr. David Saunders back in 1971.
The Rendlesham Forest Incident - UFO EVIDENCE
What is widely considered Britain’s most extraordinary encounter took place between 26 and 28 December 1980. It involved at least a dozen civilians from villages surrounding Rendlesham Forest, a large pine wood in south east Suffolk eight miles from the large town of Ipswich. However, it also gained a high profile because of its military witnesses, part of a huge USAF contingent at the twin ...
Background on the Kecksburg Incident - UFO Evidence
An object landed near the tiny town of Kecksburg, PA on December 9, 1965. It was observed as a fireball in the sky across several U.S. states and Canada.