For the municipal elections in Lower Austria on January 26, lists such as ALL, BED, GLOCK, MACHO or ZZ are running. Here is an explanation of what they really stand for and also who KURZ and KERN are.
A teenager was injured with a knife in the back during a brawl on the Hauptallee in the Viennese Prater on Tuesday evening. According to Philipp Haßlinger, a police spokesman, the young man was ...
Hietzing, the police have now ruled out foul play. The investigations of the Vienna State Criminal Police Office are ongoing, it was announced in response to a request from the APA.
In 2024, the average collective contractual gross minimum wages, according to the wage rate index 16 (TLI 16) by Statistics Austria, increased by 8.5 percent compared to 2023, thus exceeding the ...
The inflation rate in Austria has noticeably slowed down in the last year, despite significant price fluctuations in individual products, according to a study by, which compared the ...
Nach dem mit Jahresbeginn in Kraft getretenen Verbot von Amalgam als Zahnfüllungsmaterial versuchen die ÖGK und die ...
Following the ban on amalgam as a dental filling material that came into effect at the beginning of the year, the ÖGK and the ...
Viktor Gernot ist in Österreich zu einer festen Bühnengröße geworden - egal, ob im Kabarett-, Musik- oder Entertainerfach. Am ...
Ein Jugendlicher wurde am Dienstagabend bei einer Rauferei auf der Hauptallee im Wiener Prater mit einem Messer im Rücken ...
In the run-up to the Burgenland election, Hungary's Minister of the Chancellery, Gergely Gulyás, supported FPÖ frontman ...
Die Drogeriekette dm hat in Deutschland einen Online-Marktplatz für apothekenpflichtige, rezeptfreie Medikamente angekündigt.
Die Koalitionsverhandlungen im Bund inklusive der geplanten Budgetsanierung sorgen auch in Tirol für Diskussionen. Der ...