This is a recording of part one of a three part series on the Devolution of Appraisal Theory and Process Contrary to long held beliefs, long term home price appreciation rates are modest and averages ...
Want to write an article that could be featured in a newsletter to over 70,000 professionals and companies? The Appraisal Buzz Newsletter is a weekly email newsletter that features articles related to ...
In the appraisal of property for lending purposes, no requirement causes more frustration than comparable sale photos. Certainly, for lenders for which original comp photo is a requirement, there is ...
Rick Hiton is one of the Premier LEED Green Appraisers in the United States. He is the first valuation professional to complete the Executive Education for Sustainability Leadership Program, a ...
This session takes a hard look at change in the appraisal industry and posts a warning sign for what may happen in the future. We could be looking at more tectonic changes hitting this industry. How ...
Every year approximately 5 percent of appraisers will face a situation where they need their defense lawyer and we want you to be prepared because the stakes are your license. Prominent appraiser ...
Sol Klein has joined Floify, which offers a point-of-sale (POS) solution to the mortgage industry, as head of client experience and business operations. Klein is ...
Last fall, we put out a call for nominations for our first inaugural Buzzy Awards. We wanted to recognize outstanding appraisers and firms and others in the industry from around the country. In this ...
Tony Pistilli gives us a look into the history of AMC’s and how Appraisers can successfully work with the companies. Covering topics such as, online resources, choosing the right AMC and providing ...
What Poetry and Data Analysis Have in Common We will call this place our home. The dirt in which our roots may grow Though the ...
Join us for a free webinar with Anow, the leading software for appraisers nationwide, designed to show you how simple it is to grow your business with the help of Anow tools and technology. You’ll get ...
The argument comes up all the time. Appraisers are getting squeezed from all sides—lenders, AMCs, regulators, and now even AI and automation. Meanwhile, other industries, from Hollywood writers to UPS ...