Don't text your ex! I mean it! The post Mercury Retrograde Is Making Love Messy, & These 4 Signs Will Feel It The Most first appeared on Her Campus.
The planet of the mind and the mouth, thought and expression, Mercury begins its retrograde on Saturday, March 15.
J ust when you think you finally have your life together, astrology will remind you that everything is actually hanging on by ...
This last week of winter begins with a full moon, lunar eclipse, proceeds with Mercury retrograde, and finishes with the ...
The first Mercury retrograde of the year is going down — or slowing down, in the insolent, fire-breathing sign of Aries and ...
Let us see how this Mercury retrograde should be tackled by you by focusing on the damage-prone areas this time! This ...
This spring’s Mercury retrograde is in a league of its own, arriving in the middle of eclipse season and while Venus is also ...
According to UK-based astrologer Inbaal Honigman, there are three star signs that will be particularly affected by Friday ...
OUR much-loved astrologer Meg sadly died last March but her column will be kept alive by her friend and protégé . Read on to ...
As astrologically uneventful as February was, March wants all the attention, and it’s filled with events. A Total Lunar ...
Las Vegas(KLAS)-With major astrological events, like the upcoming lunar eclipse and Mercury Retrograde happening this month, a lot of people are feeling the push for realignment, transformation ...