Chicago attorneys were in federal court Thursday accusing federal agents of violating immigration law and the constitutional rights of at least 22 people since January.
More than a month after much-publicized sweeps in Chicago, ICE still won’t say who they rounded up, what they’ve been ...
The law prohibits landlords from threatening to call Immigration and Customs Enforcement and harassing or evicting tenants ...
A judge ordered a pair of landlords to pay $80,000 to tenants they had threatened to call immigration enforcement on amid a rent dispute in 2020.
An Illinois circuit court judge has ordered Chicago landlords to pay former tenants $80,000 after they threatened to report ...
An Illinois circuit court judge ordered a Chicago landlord last month to pay $80,000 to former tenants after threatening to ...
In the Chicago area, people are initially sent to Broadview Processing Center before being transferred to detention centers ...
As ICE increases its role in apprehending criminal migrants, it’s uncertain that those arrested will be deported.
An Illinois circuit court judge awarded more than $80,000 in a case brought by a Chicago couple who sued their landlords ...
CHICAGO – An Illinois judge ordered a pair of landlords to pay $80,000 to former tenants after threatening to report them to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents after a dispute in 2020.
A judge ordered a Chicago landlord last month to pay $80,000 to former tenants after the landlord threatened to call ICE on them during a verbal dispute in June 2020, according to court documents. The ...