Eig said the “watering down” of King’s radical message is intentional, noting that King’s close friend Harry Belafonte believed the national holiday was designed to destroy King’s power — the holiday ...
During the religious war in the Holy Empire of German Descent (today Germany) from 1618 to 1648 the Catholic Church and the Martin Luther Evangelical-Lutheran Church were entrenched in a long and ...
By retrieving Lutheran theology with exceptional care, Hughes suggests that Christian faith is a matter not of certainty but ...
Any student of the Protestant Reformation will be intimately familiar with the likes of Luther and Melanchthon, both of whom ...
Trinity Lutheran Church will hold a series of studies exploring the theologies and beliefs of German Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Martin Luther King Jr.
University of Chicago professor Martin Marty was convinced that totalitarianism could be avoided if we worked to build pluralism.
Alongside Martin Luther King in that pivotal moment for civil rights marched Greek Orthodox Archbishop of the Americas Iakovos.
Students at Pilgrim Lutheran School in Wauwatosa are participating in a three-week in-school Black history camp.
RACINE – The calendar has flipped to March and postseason high school basketball is in full swing. The boys swimming season ...
The Rev. Dr. Marty was once described by Time Magazine as "the most influential interpreter of religion in the U.S." ...
Martin Marty, an eminent church historian, prolific chronicler and interpreter of religion and its role in public life, died ...
Six students from the 87-member Lakeside Lutheran Concert Band selected to participate in the 2025 WELS National Band Festival held Friday-Sunday at Martin Luther College, New Ulm, ...