LERONE MARTIN: He's known as the Happy Am I preacher, so he has this kind of charisma, smiling, very happy. My name is Dr. Lerone Martin, and I am the director of the Martin Luther King Jr. Research ...
MLK leads march for voting rights in 1965, U.S. attacks Iraq and Afghanistan in 2003, Dover AFBase spared in 2004, financial ...
The Equal Justice Initiative, the organization behind Montgomery's National Memorial for Peace and Justice, is now opening ...
The Rev. Martin Marty, a Lutheran theologian and historian, speaks on the National Day of Prayer in 2007. (CNS photo/Ann ...
NPR's Mary Louise Kelly talks with Pastor Jamal Bryant of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church about leading a movement to swear off shopping at Target for Lent.
All Saints Church has a long history of supporting oppressed groups. In the 1940s, their chief pastor protested the ...
One woman, whom we call Aunt Maxine, took the lead. Under her guidance, our church garden yielded 1,200 pounds of produce, from broccoli and corn to collard and mustard greens. Later, we added apple ...
Narratives about the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and ’60s often highlight the influence of the Black church.
The congregation at Houston's Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church will divert their funds towards Black-owned businesses in protest ...
With the 97th Academy Awards firmly in the rearview, Karla Sofía Gascón has shared a lengthy statement about the ways ...
I have been thinking about Pope Francis, that good and holy man. Like millions of others, I am pulling for him right now. Has ...
Former Baltimore pastor is leading a 40-day boycott of Target over the company’s decision to rollback DEI policy.