Bubur ketan hitam memiliki sejarah panjang dalam kuliner Indonesia. Hidangan ini diperkirakan telah ada sejak zaman kerajaan-kerajaan kuno di Nusantara. Beberapa sumber menyebutkan bahwa bubur ketan ...
Martin Luther King Jr sedang berpidato. (commons.wikimedia.org/David Erickson) IDN Times Community adalah media yang menyediakan platform untuk menulis. Semua karya ...
Analysing the top 10 tech company logos, we can understand the art and science behind creating visual identities that stand out from the crowd. Most people scroll past logos like they're invisible.
Liputan6.com, Jakarta Ungkapan "kambing hitam" merupakan sebuah idiom dalam bahasa Indonesia yang memiliki makna kiasan. Secara harfiah, kambing hitam merujuk pada seekor kambing yang memiliki bulu ...
Khaby Lame, the world’s most followed TikToker, has been announced as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador. The appointment of the Italy-raised social media star was announced during a four-day trip to ...
10 luxury brand logos have mastered it. They've become more than marks on products—they're cultural touchstones, over decades and continents. Logos are stories we tell ourselves. The best ones?
UNICEF nutrition supplies are reaching malnourished children in urgent need of support in the Gaza Strip. Here's how to help. Lina feeds her 10-month-old son baby food at a UNICEF nutrition point ...
Sebagian besar pengunjuk rasa mengenakan pakaian berwarna hitam. Para pria yang ikut aksi ini kebanyakan menggunakan peci dan wanita memakai hijab. Massa wanita dan pria tak berada di satu rombongan ...
UNICEF noted that while southern Europe grappled with deadly floods, and Asia and Africa faced cyclones and flooding, heatwaves emerged as the leading climate threat to education last year ...
UNICEF said it amounted to one in seven school-going children across the world being kept out of class at some point in 2024 because of climate hazards. The report also outlined how some countries ...
UNICEF said it amounted to one in seven school-going children across the world being kept out of class at some point in 2024 because of climate hazards. The report also outlined how some countries saw ...
Heatwaves were the most disruptive climate event, with Bangladesh, the Philippines and Cambodia experiencing widespread school closures and reduced schooling hours, UNICEF said in a report ...