One of the main concerns about buying a home is just how large your down payment should be or what your home loan will entail. In reality, there's no one correct answer, and this can certainly ...
The U.S. government has launched a task force to turn federal land into residential areas for affordable housing.
The income you need to qualify for a $300k home will depend on your down payment, interest rate, existing debts, and various ...
Stretching your budget to buy a home you fall in love with is another first-time homebuyer mistake to avoid. With high home ...
With natural disasters and homeowners insurance costs making headlines, many homeowners may find themselves dwelling on “what ...
If you miss a mortgage payment, you're likely to have real trouble refinancing for at least six to 12 months, which may cost ...
Mortgage protection insurance can be an attractive option for homeowners looking to protect their investment and keep family members from financial troubles. This type of insurance policy covers ...
Assembly Bill 1354, by Assemblymembers Heath Flora and Greg Wallis, would allow California taxpayers to write off the rising costs of their fire insurance premiums for the next five years. Flora, of ...
Our 9NEWS consumer investigator got a blue postcard telling him to call about an important matter regarding his mortgage, but ...
The mortgagee clause is a provision in a homeowners insurance policy that protects the lender from financial loss if the ...