Coalicion De Derechos Humanos is a non-profit teaching businesses their rights in light of ICE raids, which has impacted ...
A new lawsuit filed by the ACLU could set a precedent between landlords and tenants.
Republican state attorneys general have declared their continued support for a landmark civil rights law that protects ...
ACLU of Louisiana Legal Director Nora Ahmed discusses her group’s work to educate people from immigrant communities about ...
President Donald Trump’s rapid-fire actions targeting undocumented immigrants nationally — which included immigration enforcement operations in the Austin, Dallas-Fort Worth and San Antonio areas in ...
The United Farm Workers foundation held a "Know Your Rights" presentation to inform and assist undocumented students in the ...
The FBI is hassling Palestine activists. ICE is compiling dossiers on those who criticize it. Let’s know our rights.
The mother of a young Venezuelan man sent to Guantánamo discusses her son’s case. It heralds an unsettling new phase in Trump ...
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