His latest interview puts to rest the longstanding question of whether he's knowingly lying or detached from reality.
Are Dak Prescott and the Cowboys delusional or determined? Inspired or ignorant? Powered by boldness ... or by B.S.?
In classic Dunning-Kruger style, in which "the less you know, the more you think you know", the players vastly overrate their abilities to spot liars and it is this that ... everything and lets us ...
Just stop lying for clicks and views my brotha," Pickens wrote. Pickens could be delusional about his value to the team, or just trying to maintain or build is trade value. But either way ...
liar, pants on fire!” Let’s analyze what his letter is really about. He’s trying to justify to the public, with his own delusional justification, why hiring his brother for $120,000 a year ...
"Directed by Ben Cawood alongside assistant director Emily Sanderson, and originally written by Peter Shaffer – of Amadeus acclaim – the dual one act plays spin tales of utter farce, one tragic one ...
A NUMBER of “hugely influential” names in politics and industry have been plotting “behind the scenes” in a bid to take down Kanye West’s business interests in the US ...
Related: Insider Hints at Potential Steelers QB Move Pickens could be delusional about his value to the team, or just trying to maintain or build is trade value. But either way, we'll see how this ...
In classic Dunning-Kruger style, in which "the less you know, the more you think you know", the players vastly overrate their abilities to spot liars and ... us live with the delusion that we ...
AP Joe Biden is leaving office the way he came in — under a cloud of self-delusion and amid a rancid ... The congenital liar whose career is marked by plagiarism, mendacity and corruption ...