and the heaven blesseth it; ill works shake and tremble at it, and with it is no unrighteous thing." "The Election in November" by James Russell Lowell, The Atlantic Monthly; October, 1860.
The Committee of the Maryland Legislature, to which was referred the contested elections of the sitting members from the City of Baltimore, and that of the Clerk of the City Circuit Court ...
Watch to see how the states voted in every presidential election since 1860. Produced by Alex Kuzoian Follow BI Video: On Facebook More from Politics The citizens of the United States have elected ...
The election of a Republican, Abraham Lincoln, as President in 1860 sealed the deal. His victory, without a single Southern electoral vote, was a clear signal to the Southern states that they had ...
Watch to see how the states voted in every presidential election since 1860. Produced by Alex Kuzoian Follow BI Video: On Facebook More from Politics The citizens of the United States have elected ...