Animal Factories Campaign factsheet on ractopamine, a controversial drug used widely as a feed additive U.S. pork production to make animals grow faster. Ractopamine has been linked to animal and ...
In 2014, the Center for Biological Diversity and Center for Food Safety as co-lead petitioners joined by the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation and Dr. Lincoln Brower petitioned the U.S.
Labels with health or environmental claims are everywhere in the grocery store these days, and it can be overwhelming to decipher what these labels really mean. Often these claims are entirely ...
As a nation, we have become accustomed to paying relatively little for our food as a percentage of overall income.[i] While this cheap food may on the face of it seem like a good thing, it actually co ...
In 2015, the FDA approved genetically engineered salmon, the first ever GE animal to be approved for human consumption anywhere in the world. The Muckleshoot Indian Tribe and the Affiliated Tribes of ...
Now more than ever it is imperative to be engaged and informed on the various issues facing our food system and the environment. Center for Food Safety strongly believes in active participation at all ...
February 16, 2016 (Honolulu, HI)—Today, the Hawai‘i House Agriculture Committee, in a joint hearing with House Committee on Energy & Environmental Protection, deferred voting on a bill that would ...
Washington, DC – On Tuesday, EPA released a long-awaited draft report demonstrating that toxic "forever chemicals" in sewage sludge applied to farmland can cause cancer and other diseases in people wh ...
Salem, OR—The Stand Up to Factory Farms coalition has submitted written testimony in a letter to the Oregon Senate Natural Resources and Environment Committee in opposition to Senate Bill 1513 which ...
Learn about the weed-killing pesticide – dicamba – that drifted rampantly to injure crops on millions of acres in the 2017 crop season. This FAQ clears up common misconceptions about Monsanto’s new ...