T. Sabri Öncü and Güney Düzçay This article first appeared in the Indian journal, Economic & Political Weekly, on 14 ...
Reinforcing the case made in the Prime publication ‘The Economic Consequences of Mr Osborne’ in 2010, this study examines the impact of government stance on public debt for eleven OECD countries from ...
Where the EU investment agenda comes from and how to boost it? Raising the banner of investment has been the most important development of 2014 for European policy. Clearly, Europe needs a better ...
An appeal to the Bank of England: The ‘rate of interest’ has not been low. Financial liberalisation led to a steep increase the complex of interest rates for all kinds of borrowing, long and short, ...
In 2011, the EC proposed a Financial Transactions Tax to raise revenue from the financial sectors. While they broadly agree with the objectives behind the FTT, Grahl and Lysandrou argue that the ...
This analysis was co-authored by Geoff Tily and Ann Pettifor and published by the New Economics Foundation under the title, “The cuts won’t work: Why spending on a Green New Deal will reduce the ...
This e-publication comprises a set of five lectures given by Karl Polanyi in 1940 at Bennington College, Vermont. The first three briefly prefigure the main themes of his major work, “The Great ...
This paper was first published in July 2010, and revised in February 2011. This new edition (March 2016) includes a preface by the authors to the 2011 paper in which they look at how their analysis ...
In this PRIME Position Paper, Ann Pettifor and Jeremy Smith record why – on economic as well as environmental grounds – they remain strongly against the Heathrow extension, and against building any ...
In this latest PRIME publication, Geoff Tily argues that parallels between events in Greece today and Germany in the 1920s go much further than commonly understood, and the policy implications are ...