The MPCA will have a comment period to offer the public the opportunity to comment on the rule update. Early comments provide ...
Curious why popular cod or mahi-mahi isn't used for sushi? We interviewed some sushi experts to learn why some fish aren't ...
The possession of feathers and other parts of native North American birds without a permit is banned by the Migratory Bird ...
The scientific discovery is gratifying for those who have watched in agony as coho salmon have died in urban streams for decades.
As ice and snow cover melt on Michigan lakes this spring, you may see dead fish or other aquatic animals. Given the return to a more “normal” Michigan ...
Scientists have learned that particles from car tires are a leading culprit in salmon declines in the Pacific Northwest—and ...
The FWC is doing an outstanding job of helping bears and humans live together safely, so let’s let them do their job and stop ...
Although carnivorous fish have long been important in aquatic ecosystems, one invasive and aggressive predator has been ...
For the first time in 25 years, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency is opening the rule that regulates about 17,000 animal ...
Two killer whales have killed dozens — if not hundreds — of sharks, including the vaunted great whites, with an ease that has ...
Right before spring break, many students noticed an unusual sight in the road in front of Knollcrest Dining Hall: several ...
Confronting images of dead seadragons, fish and octopuses washed up on South Australian beaches—and disturbing reports of ...