Mr Surya is a two-time Lok Sabha MP. Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Tejasvi Surya is likely to get married to Sivasri Skandaprasad, a renowned Carnatic singer, soon. Though no official statement ...
Planet Image International's (NASDAQ:YIBO) stock is up by a considerable 30% over the past three months. Given that... Planet Image International Limited ("Planet Image," the "Company," "we," "our ...
Dennis Morris is best known for his images of Lydon’s former band the Sex Pistols and Bob Marley. Lydon claims that he came up with the distinctive PiL logo in the shape of a pill, and asked ...
"The images reveal a remarkable diversity in the ... as though the gravity of an unseen planet or planets is pulling on them. Yet for all the difference between them, patterns emerge.
Bonus shares: Shares of Surya Roshni, a prominent smallcap stock, saw a remarkable 10 per cent surge in intra-day trade on Tuesday, December 31, amidst a generally weak market mood. This rally ...
and Kongchak Pictures Ltd. from Cambodia. Executive producers include Willawati, Mona Surya and Rieza Jusuf, while the co-producers are Isabelle Glachant, Anthony Chen, Tan Si En, Denis Vaslin ...
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Tejasvi Surya is set to tie the knot with Sivasri Skanda Prasad, a well-known classical singer from Chennai. According to reports, the wedding ceremony is likely to ...
In Vedic astrology, Surya or the planet Sun is the king of navagrahas and the lord of the Simha zodiac sign. The Sun is the soul of the universe and governs our consciousness. Sun is in Makara rashi ...
Image Source : INSTAGRAM Sivasri Skandaprasad, the would be bride of BJP MP Tejasvi Surya BJP's young and popular MP Tejasvi Surya is going to tie the knot soon. It is being told that Bengaluru ...
However, when circumstances are dire, they can combine their powers to summon Captain Planet. (Image Source: Dynamite Entertainment / Eman Casallos) (Image Source: Dynamite Entertainment / Eman ...
Thrilled to see cameras roll at Warner Bros. Studios Leavesden on Supergirl, with Craig Gillespie at the helm and the phenomenal Milly Alcock as our Kara Zor-El. Craig brings an incredible ...