AMARILLO, Texas (KVII) — Amarillo Area Office of Emergency Management have asked residents of Potter and Randall County to ...
As catastrophic winds continue to batter Amarillo and the Texas Panhandle, residents are urged to stay off the roads unless absolutely necessa ...
AMARILLO, Texas -- Texas officials say 3 people have been killed in vehicle crashes in a dust storm in the state's Panhandle.
AMARILLO, Texas (AP) — Texas officials say 3 people have been killed in vehicle crashes in a dust storm in the state's Panhandle.
AMARILLO, Texas (KFDA) - Amarillo Crime Stoppers is seeking the public’s help with a recent vandalism at Memorial Park. Officials say between March 8 and March 10, the gazebo at Memorial Park had been ...
The iconic Planters vehicle visited Amarillo Monday to delight the crowd with a giant peanut on wheels and Planters snacks.
AMARILLO, Texas (KAMR/KCIT) — The Texas Department of Transportation’s Amarillo District released its “Know Before You Go” ...