With that kind of legacy to his name, it would be easy for the casual, non-comics savvy individual to assume that Martian Manhunter is among DC’s most popular superheroes. Yet, even among nerds, ...
McFarlane Toys is releasing a nice set of collectibles from across their brands including a new Jokerized Batman figure ...
DC's terrifying vampire reality finds a solution for the bloodsuckers but it could lead to major death and destruction across ...
DC Comics is known for their Crisis events. The word “Crisis” has a lot of meaning to DC fans; as far back as the Silver Age ...
Lex Luthor is a DC villain unlike any other, which makes sense given that he fights Superman. The number of villains who have survived as long as he has is slim, and that number becomes even smaller ...
Step into the growing DC Multiverse with McFarlane Toys as they debut a new 2-Pack as Titano takes on the Scarlet Speeder, ...
DC Comics has also mastered this approach. Its multiverse isn’t just about massive ... and stakes. For instance, Earth-2 reimagined classic heroes in a Golden Age setting. These worlds feel ...
Brave New World" then you know the movie has a post-credits scene featuring a confrontation between the titular hero (Anthony Mackie) and the gamma-irradiated Samuel Sterns (Tim Blake Nelson). If you ...
DC Comics has also mastered this approach. Its multiverse isn’t just about massive crossovers. Their focus was on establishing entire alternate Earths with their own unique history, tone, and stakes.
"We see the difference between Superman, who was sent to Earth ... comics. Information on the new Swamp Thing movie is still limited, but it will focus on the origins of the mysterious DC character.