Sometimes when I read the Bible, I can see a parallel between things that happened during biblical times and what is happening in our world today.
Jonah doesn’t want to, for whatever reason, so he flees to a ship. A storm surrounds the ship and the sailors throw him overboard — at Jonah’s own instruction — where he is swallowed by a ...
Abbe Road, Elyria, presents “The Color and the Shape, the Mark and the Make,” featuring an nstallation by Jonah Jacobs and ... April 2; Free Throw, April 14. Visit
By John Nelson Columnist A recent article in a maritime publication relating how the value of cargo lost off the deck of a ...
Art Beck Center for the Arts: 17801 Detroit Ave., Lakewood, presents the work of visual artist Sean Wheeler, through Jan. 24 in the Music Creative Arts Therapy Building Armory Gallery; “The ...