An “unusually strong” storm system for March may bring a range of hazards that includes wildfires, blizzards and tornadoes.
The National Weather Service warned that any wildfires that do develop Wednesday could be difficult to control and will ...
A large and intense storm system is swinging across the country, whipping up wild weather — including on the East Coast, ...
Experts at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center are predicting a mixed season for spring flowers this year because of drought conditions in the Edwards Plateau and Trans-Pecos region. Eastern parts ...
Oryx 49:687-695. Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). 2015. Ecological site description, MLRA 081B-Edwards Plateau, Central Part. United States Department of Agriculture, San Antonio, Texas, ...
Researchers with Texas A&M AgriLife are laying the foundation for the science-based management of javelina, or collared peccary.
Within the season, visitors to the Wildflower Center always will find beautiful displays of blooms. Staff, including professional horticulturists and a large team of hands-on volunteers, work ...
An unusually strong storm system is poised to bring blizzard conditions to the Plains, wildfire weather to Texas and severe storms to the South.