Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and his demonstrators stream over an Alabama River bridge at the city limits of Selma, Ala., ...
If Selma was the apex of the civil rights movement, we are now witnessing the apex of the anti-human rights backlash – heard in President Donald Trump’s absurd claim, echoed by acolytes like Gov.
In honor of the legacy of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the Annual Memorial Program will be held at 6 p.m. April 3 at the King Monument Plaza, corner of South  Ashley Street and Martin Luther ...
This month, our nation remembers the heroes of Selma, Alabama.  Sixty years ago, they marched for voting rights, survived brutal beatings, and inspired the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
On March 22, Ryley Tate will join a new generation of "Stars for Freedom Rally" entertainers, with a lineup that also ...
The Equal Justice Initiative, the organization behind Montgomery's National Memorial for Peace and Justice, is now opening ...
At the Rapides Parish Coliseum on November 22, 1966, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stood before educators at the 65th session of the Louisiana Education Association, delivering a speech titled “Remaining ...
Montgomery, AL – Sixty years ago this month Dr. Martin Luther King led the march that changed history. The last leg of the march led by Dr. King ended at the Alabama State Capitol. At that time, there ...
MLK leads march for voting rights in 1965, U.S. attacks Iraq and Afghanistan in 2003, Dover AFBase spared in 2004, financial ...
Eig said the “watering down” of King’s radical message is intentional, noting that King’s close friend Harry Belafonte believed the national holiday was designed to destroy King’s power — the holiday ...
The right to be served hasn't always been a right for all Americans. Sixty-four years ago, a teacher and 70 others protested ...
Narratives about the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and ’60s often highlight the influence of the Black church.