At first glance, the CL1 looks like a rather unconventional PC with a small, horizontal form factor. But that's where the ...
Researchers from the University of New Hampshire looked at the developmental process of the cerebral cortex—the outermost ...
Brain chip technology is quickly accelerating. In one of the latest advancements, researchers have designed a new chip that ...
A Harvard team studying mice found that the brain processes isolation and loneliness like hunger and thirst, highlighting the ...
In a nutshell Human brain neurons maintain consistent responses to people and objects regardless of context—unlike animal ...
Researchers from the University of Seville and the University of Cadiz, coordinated by the professors of Physiology Pedro Núñez-Abades and Carmen Castro, have demonstrated that the use of diterpenes ...
A flair of energy in the brain in a dying patient who had ... skeptics have argued that it’s the “last gasp” of neurons firing off after death or simply an “illusion,” he argues ...
The rate of development of poikilothermic animals, such as insects, fish, and reptiles, is determined by environmental ...
Researchers have revealed neural circuits in the brainstem that are crucially involved in implementing decisions by ...
A new study reveals how prenatal infections followed by early-life stress—known as "two-hit stress"—can lead to brain ...
Researchers, led in part by University of Nevada, Reno’s Meet Zandawala, identify specific clock neurons that govern daily ...