S ome see Joshua Tree as just another desert landscape, but others swear it is a spiritual vortex with an energy unlike ...
The Bible, on display at the Medieval Art Gallery in Warsaw, was printed more than 570 years ago by Johannes Gutenberg, the ...
A blank canvas, a tapestry needle, yarn of Persian wool, plus agile fingers have combined to create the six kneeling cushions ...
In ancient days, the chariot was a symbol of power — power as a nation or prestige as an individual. Only noblemen and armies ...
American Jews should stand up against a movement that coopts Queen Esther, a Jewish heroine, to attack free speech and queer ...
How fitting, then, that the only thing written on it, other than the manufacturer, is a Bible verse, Proclaim liberty ...
PITTFIELD, Wis. (WFRV) – The 19-year-old Pittfield man who threatened and shot a person who egged his house in May 2024 will ...
An ancient town in Syria is one of the world’s few places where residents still speak Aramaic, the language that Jesus is believed to have used ...
Having stated they will abide by the creeds and confessions of the RCA, each of the ministers was then offered a loaf of bread as a symbol of fellowship and welcome. The group ordination ceremony ...
In terms of religious faith she is a Quaker. In current US politics, a “biblical” view of the Middle East informs foreign policy – perhaps more than it has for decades. This makes it very ...