Keeping the streets of San Francisco clean is one of the city's biggest challenges on a daily basis. One city supervisor is ...
A group of residents on the west side of San Francisco have filed a lawsuit in a last-ditch attempt to prevent the Great ...
An owner of San Francisco towing companies who is already facing multiple indictments is facing an additional charge for ...
Two San Francisco city departments have been accused of improperly funneling money to and accepting gifts from a nonprofit ...
Two San Francisco women received more than $500,000 in public welfare benefits while they operated a fake childcare center ...
A report found that CA Gov. Gavin Newsom is behind funding a $97K bust of himself for San Francisco's City Hall honoring his mayoral tenure.
N estled on a peninsula between the San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean, San Francisco is a northern California port city ...
Michelin-starred restaurant Lord Stanley in San Francisco will close on May 31, as announced by owners Rupert and Carrie ...
The Sacramento Street bar is inviting customers to party before and after The City’s St. Patrick’s Day parade. Irish Times ...
Homeless people living inside tents have 24 hours to pack up their things and leave as Brisbane City Council cracks down on ...
The Fine Art Museums of San Francisco (FAMSF) and the city's Asian Art Museum could see layoffs and reduced public hours as a ...
A dispute over floating turds has led to liberal San Francisco enabling Trump's Supreme Court to hamstring the EPA. How did ...