The "Resident Evil" franchise includes a whopping seven animated movies, and it's safe to say some hit the mark better than ...
In 2022, twenty years after Resident Evil Zero came out on Gamecube, Barbarian hit theaters. Written and directed by Zach ...
Some Resident Evil rumors are making the rounds online, which are sure to get fans of the franchise talking and they involve ...
Classic Resident Evil characters like Hunk have become series icons despite limited appearances, earning fan love. Longtime ...
By the time Resident Evil: Retribution arrived, however, the fire had clearly gone out behind Anderson's eyes (we all know ...
In order for Resident Evil 9 to release this year Capcom would need to reveal it and release it in the same calendar year.
It looks like Capcom has big plans for the now almost 30-year-old Resident Evil Zero, as notorious Resident Evil insider ...
As speculation swirls about Resident Evil 9 and a remake of Code Veronica, Capcom’s most debated survival horror game might ...
How close did George A. Romero get to making a Resident Evil film? A new documentary is out today answering that question.
Rumors of a Resident Evil 0 remake have been circulating the industry for a while now, not just from Dusk Golem, but also ...
A new documentary spotlights one of video games' "what if?" moments.