Still, although Simancas felt he had been swallowed, humpback whales have filter feeders which cannot completely eat someone ...
The Book of Jonah, however, is written as a historical tale with a historical prophet mentioned in II Kings 14:25 and confirmed to have existed by Jesus Christ in Matthew 12:40-41. Christ here ...
The practice of donning ashes is one of them. In the Bible we are told that when the prophet Jonah pronounced God’s wrath on ...
An exhibition featuring original drawings by Michelangelo will go on display March 6 at the Muscarelle Museum of Art at ...
Jonah hurries to tell Nineveh that it’s doomed. But the city repents, and God forgives the people, which frustrates the prophet — after all, why all the drama if nothing was going to happen?
Sometimes when I read the Bible, I can see a parallel between things that happened during biblical times and what is happening in our world today.
As the city braces for disaster, the prophet Jonah arrives, warning the people that their city will fall in forty days unless they repent. This divine prophecy sets the stage for a clash between ...
the user wrote alluding to the biblical allegory. According to the Bible, Jonah was a prophet who disobeyed God and went to Nineveh. However, while fleeing by ship, he's swallowed by a large fish ...