One of the most stalwart co-workers of the prophet Isaiah was his eloquent contemporary, Micah of Moresheth-Gath ... will be born in the humble town of Bethlehem (the prediction that directed ...
from the prophecy written in the book of the Jewish prophet Micah 700 years before the birth of Jesus – “but you, Bethlehem Ephrath … out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over ...
Herod then gathers his own Magi (Matthew 2:4), who quote Micah 5:2 to explain that the child will be born in Bethlehem (Matthew ... event as a fulfillment of the Prophecy of Balaam, found in ...
They consulted the Old Testament prophecies and informed Herod that the prophet Micah had written about Bethlehem, “Out of you will come a ruler who will be the shepherd of my people Israel.” ...