President Trump removed Gwynne Wilcox from her position on the National Labor Relations Board soon after taking office.
The bill, which would condense time between union votes and employer negotiations, marks a change in Republican attitudes on ...
You came on as chair of the state Public Employment Relations Board last year. Can you explain a little about what the ...
Report Content of Specific Issue field H.R. 377 / S. 84 / S. 2199, Paycheck Fairness Act H.R. 1010 / S. 460, Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2013 H.R. 1120, Preventing Greater Uncertainty in Labor-Management ...
The National Labor Relations Act applies to private employers. The complaint sought to interconnect the NCAA and a major college-sports conference — both of which are private, non-profit ...
that employers regarded as overprotective of employee rights under the National Labor Relations Act. While the memos carried no legal weight, they were a guiding force for Regional Offices and an ...
H.R.1644: To amend the National Labor Relations Act to clarify the definition of "supervisor" for purposes of such Act. H.R. 2670: To amend the National Labor Relations Act to protect employer rights.