Splitting the bling behemoth would create value, but the question is whether Bernard Arnault would take an ax to his empire.
Like his father, he is a close friend of the president and his son-in-law Jared Kushner."It is not an obligation, nor ...
Multi-billionaire Bernard Arnault, who oversees the LVMH empire of 75 fashion and cosmetics brands, saw about $1.7 billion of his $182.5 billion fortune wiped out over the last few days.
It was Bernard Arnault, owner of the globe-spanning luxury empire LVMH MC2.35%increase; green up pointing triangle. Arnault wanted to check in on the man he had known for decades. Trump was also ...
The acquisition could help Prada tap into Versace’s high-glam market, which in turn will improve Prada’s competitive position ...
Yahoo! Finance. "Bernard Arnault Turned a One-Franc Deal in 1984 Into a €319 Billion Luxury Empire. Now, Memories of the Controversial 40-Year-Old Deal Are Resurfacing." LVMH. "Christian Dior." ...
And maybe even the empire Arnault built will have to adjust. HBSC suggested this month that Sephora “may not prove to be a good fit” for LVMH and that the luxury giant could eventually divest the ...
PARIS -LVMH-owned newspaper group Les Echos-Le Parisien ... effort that could decide the 32-year-old's future in his father's empire. The alcohol division, whose brands include Moët & Chandon ...