Eig said the “watering down” of King’s radical message is intentional, noting that King’s close friend Harry Belafonte believed the national holiday was designed to destroy King’s power — the holiday ...
Jonathan Eig, speaking Thursday at the National Writers Series, won a Pulitzer for 'King: A Life.' Now, comes a look at ...
The preacher and civil rights activist tells us that we can all live and work together to make society a better place.
Sunday marks the 94th birthday of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Monday is the federal holiday honoring him. Since the 1990s, Martin Luther King Jr. Day has been a day of civic ...
Stride Toward Freedom was written by Martin Luther King, Jr. It is an account of the Montgomery ... as the events and planning that went into the boycott. The book depicts how the 28-year-old Dr. King ...
Montgomery, AL – Sixty years ago this month Dr. Martin Luther King led the march that changed history. The last leg of the march led by Dr. King ended at the Alabama State Capitol. At that time, there ...
On Feb. 27, second grade students in Mallory Courtney’s class at Slaughter Elementary School learned about the life and work ...
The university libraries added to this website. We put some books there. We put some links to other sites regarding Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. It was a website that we frequently referred people ...
LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- ABC7 presented the 40th Annual Kingdom Day Parade on Monday, celebrating the dream and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The event was moved to February because of ...